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7 Things Parents Should Do Before Summer


7 Things Parents Should Do Before Summer

Welcome to our guide on the seven important tasks that parents should complete before the summer season begins. As summer approaches, it's essential for parents to prepare and plan ahead to ensure a safe and enjoyable time for both themselves and their children. By taking care of these tasks, you can set the stage for a memorable summer filled with fun and adventure. Let's dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Preparing your home for summer
  • Planning summer activities for your kids
  • Keeping your kids safe in the sun
  • Updating your child's summer wardrobe
  • Organizing summer camp or childcare arrangements

Prepare Your Home for Summer

As the summer season approaches, it's essential for parents to ready their homes to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable experience for the entire family. By taking a few proactive steps, you can create a welcoming and safe environment that embraces the warmth and sunshine. Here are some important tasks to help you prepare your home for summer:

  1. Check Air Conditioning Systems:

    With rising temperatures, it's crucial to ensure your air conditioning systems are in proper working order. Schedule a maintenance check-up or clean the filters yourself to guarantee efficient cooling throughout your home. By keeping your indoor temperature cool and comfortable, you can beat the summer heat and create a refreshing oasis for your family.

  2. Prepare Outdoor Spaces:

    Maximize your enjoyment of the outdoors by preparing your outdoor spaces. Clean and organize your patio or deck, inspect your outdoor furniture for any damage, and consider adding some cozy accents like cushions and outdoor rugs. Don't forget to dust off your grill and stock up on necessary supplies for barbecues and gatherings.

  3. Add Shade and Cooling Elements:

    To create a comfortable outdoor experience, it's important to incorporate shade and cooling elements. Install retractable awnings or umbrellas to provide relief from the sun's rays. Consider adding outdoor fans or misting systems to help combat the heat. By creating a shaded and breezy atmosphere, you can enjoy outdoor activities even during the hottest hours of the day.

  4. Address Safety Hazards:

    Before summer arrives, take the opportunity to address any potential safety hazards in and around your home. Inspect your backyard for any sharp objects, remove any toxic plants, and ensure that your pool or water feature is secure and complies with safety regulations. Adequate precautions will help prevent accidents and keep your family safe.

  5. Update Outdoor Lighting:

    With longer daylight hours and balmy evenings, updating your outdoor lighting can transform your home's ambiance. Invest in energy-efficient outdoor lights that highlight your landscaping features and provide adequate illumination for outdoor activities. Additionally, consider adding motion sensor lights for enhanced security during the darker hours.

  6. Inspect Windows and Doors:

    An essential part of preparing your home for summer is inspecting your windows and doors. Ensure there are no cracks or gaps that could let warm air in or cool air out. Consider installing weatherstripping or using caulk to seal any leaks. Proper insulation will not only keep your home comfortable but also save on energy costs.

  7. Declutter and Deep Clean:

    Finally, decluttering and deep cleaning your home can contribute to a fresh and inviting summer environment. Dispose of unnecessary items, organize closets and storage areas, and give your home a thorough cleaning. A clutter-free and tidy living space will promote a sense of tranquility and make it easier to maintain throughout the season.

By following these important steps, you can ensure that your home is well-prepared for the summer season. Creating a comfortable and safe living environment will provide the perfect backdrop for cherished family moments and memorable experiences.

Plan Summer Activities for Your Kids

Summer is the perfect time to create lasting memories with your kids through fun and engaging activities. Having a well-planned summer schedule can not only keep your children entertained but also help them learn and grow. Here are some tips to help you plan exciting summer activities for your kids:

  1. Create a summer schedule: Sit down with your kids and create a summer schedule that includes a mix of indoor and outdoor activities. This will give them something to look forward to each day and help you stay organized.
  2. Explore local attractions: Research child-friendly attractions in your area, such as museums, zoos, parks, and amusement parks. Make a list and plan day trips to these places to keep your kids entertained and engaged.
  3. Sign up for summer camps or programs: Check with local community centers, schools, and organizations to find out about summer camps and programs available for your kids. These can provide a structured environment where they can learn new skills and make friends.

If you're looking for more variety in activities, consider the following options:

  • Arts and crafts workshops
  • Sports camps
  • Outdoor adventures like hiking and camping
  • Language or music classes
  • Science experiments and projects

Remember, the key to planning summer activities for your kids is to strike a balance between structured and unstructured playtime. While it's important to have scheduled activities, leave room for spontaneous adventures and free play as well.

"Summer is a great time for kids to explore their interests, learn new things, and have fun. By planning a variety of activities, you can ensure they have an exciting and memorable summer!" - Parenting Expert

Tips for Creating a Summer Schedule:

When creating a summer schedule for your kids, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Include a mix of educational, physical, and creative activities.
  • Consider your child's age and interests.
  • Allow for downtime and relaxation.
  • Be flexible and open to changes.
  • Involve your kids in the planning process.

By planning summer activities that cater to your children's interests and abilities, you can ensure they have a fun-filled and memorable summer vacation!

Keep Your Kids Safe in the Sun

With the sun shining brightly during summer, it's essential to prioritize sun safety and protect your children from harmful UV rays. Here are some strategies to help keep your kids safe and ensure they can enjoy outdoor activities without any risks.

Choose the Right Sunscreen

One of the most crucial steps in sun safety is choosing the right sunscreen for your child. Look for a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Make sure it offers protection against both UVA and UVB rays. Apply sunscreen generously to all exposed areas of your child's skin, including the face, ears, neck, arms, and legs. Don't forget about frequently overlooked areas like the scalp and tops of the feet.

Dress Appropriately

When heading outdoors, dressing your child appropriately can provide an extra layer of protection from the sun. Opt for lightweight and loose-fitting clothing made from tightly woven fabrics. Long-sleeved shirts and long pants are ideal for maximum coverage. Don't forget to provide a wide-brimmed hat to shield your child's face, ears, and neck from direct sunlight. Sunglasses with 100% UV protection are also essential to protect their eyes.

Seek Shade and Set Time Limits

While outdoor play is important for children, it's crucial to set time limits and seek shade during peak sun hours, usually between 10 am and 4 pm. Look for shaded areas in parks, use umbrellas or canopies, or create shade with a pop-up tent if you're at the beach or a picnic. Setting time limits helps reduce the overall amount of sun exposure your child receives and can help prevent sunburn and related skin damage.

Hydration is Key

Staying hydrated is vital during hot summer days. Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, before, during, and after outdoor activities. Pack a water bottle for your child, and remind them to take regular water breaks. Dehydration can increase the risk of heat-related illnesses, so it's essential to keep your child well-hydrated.

"Protecting your child from the sun's harmful rays is crucial for their long-term health. By following these simple strategies, you can keep your kids safe while still allowing them to have fun in the sun."

Update Your Child's Summer Wardrobe

As the seasons change, it's essential to update your child's wardrobe to accommodate the warmer weather. Not only does it ensure their comfort, but it also allows them to express their personal style. When updating your child's summer wardrobe, consider the following tips:

1. Choose Lightweight Fabrics

Opt for clothing made from lightweight and breathable materials such as cotton or linen. These fabrics help keep your child cool and comfortable, even on the hottest summer days.

2. Embrace Bright Colors

Summer is the perfect time to incorporate vibrant and cheerful colors into your child's wardrobe. From bold yellows to playful pinks, these colors add a fun and lively touch to their outfits.

3. Prioritize Comfort

Make sure the clothes you choose for your child allow for easy movement and are comfortable to wear for extended periods. Look for clothing with elastic waistbands, adjustable straps, and soft materials.

4. Protect from the Sun

When updating your child's summer wardrobe, don't forget to include items that offer sun protection. Look for clothing with built-in UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) or consider adding hats, sunglasses, and lightweight cover-ups to shield their skin from harmful UV rays.

5. Consider Versatility

Choose pieces that can be easily mixed and matched to create multiple outfits. This allows for more flexibility and reduces the need for excessive clothing items, making it more cost-effective and sustainable.

6. Don't Forget Footwear

Update your child's footwear for summer with comfortable sandals, sneakers, or water shoes suitable for various outdoor activities. Ensure the shoes provide proper support and fit well to prevent discomfort or injuries.

7. Keep Growth in Mind

Remember that children grow quickly, so consider choosing clothing with some room for growth. This will help extend the lifespan of their summer wardrobe and save you from frequent updates and expenses.

By following these tips, you can update your child's summer wardrobe with ease, ensuring they are stylish, comfortable, and well-prepared for the sunny season ahead.

Organize Summer Camp or Childcare Plans

Summer camps and childcare arrangements are popular options for parents during the summer break. Planning ahead and finding suitable options can ensure your child's safety and enjoyment throughout the summer. When considering summer camp or childcare plans, there are several important factors to keep in mind:


Choose a camp or childcare facility that is conveniently located for both you and your child. Consider proximity to your home or workplace to make drop-offs and pick-ups more convenient and to minimize travel time.


Be mindful of your budget when selecting a summer camp or childcare option. Research and compare costs to find a program that aligns with your financial capabilities. Keep in mind that some camps and programs may offer financial assistance or discounts, so be sure to inquire about any available options.

Program Offerings

Look for summer camps or childcare programs that align with your child's interests and needs. Consider whether the program offers a diverse range of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, academic enrichment, or outdoor adventures. It's also important to ensure that the program has qualified and experienced staff members who prioritize safety and supervision.

"Choosing a summer camp or childcare program that matches your child's interests and needs can make all the difference in their summer experience." - Parenting Expert

By taking these factors into account, you can find a summer camp or childcare option that provides a safe and enriching environment for your child. Remember to start your search early, as popular camps and programs often fill up quickly.

LocationCostProgram Offerings
Conveniently locatedWithin your budgetDiverse range of activities
Proximity to home or workplaceFinancial assistance or discounts availableQualified and experienced staff

Get Prepared for Summer Travel

Summer is the perfect time for families to embark on exciting travel adventures. Whether you're planning a road trip, beach vacation, or international getaway, it's important to be well-prepared to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for everyone. Here are some essential tips to get you ready for your summer travels:

Gather Your Packing Essentials

When preparing for your summer vacation, make a list of all the essential items you'll need to pack. This includes clothing appropriate for the destination's climate, toiletries, medications, travel documents, and entertainment options like books or games for the journey.

"Packing for a trip can be overwhelming, but creating a checklist will help you stay organized and ensure you don't forget any important items."

Plan Your Travel Itinerary

Creating a detailed travel itinerary can help you make the most of your time and ensure you don't miss out on any must-see attractions or activities. Research your destination, identify key landmarks or attractions, and plan your days accordingly. Leave room for flexibility in case you discover hidden gems along the way.

"A well-planned itinerary allows you to maximize your travel experience and make the most of your time at each destination."

Ensure the Safety and Well-being of Your Family

Prioritize the safety and well-being of your family while traveling. Before you depart, check if your destination requires any specific vaccinations or travel advisories. Pack a basic first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic wipes, and any necessary medications. Research local emergency numbers and familiarize yourself with the nearest medical facilities in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

"Taking precautions and being prepared for any potential health or safety risks will give you peace of mind while enjoying your summer vacation."

Stay Connected and Informed

Stay connected with family and friends back home by sharing your travel plans and itinerary. Consider purchasing an international phone plan or bring along a portable Wi-Fi device to stay connected while abroad. Stay informed about any travel advisories or weather updates for your destination and adjust your plans accordingly.

"Staying connected and informed is crucial to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable travel experience."

By following these tips, you'll be well-prepared for your summer travel adventures and create lasting memories with your family. So pack your bags, plan your itinerary, and get ready for an unforgettable summer vacation!

Establish a Summer Routine

During the summer months, it's important to establish a consistent routine for your children. Creating a predictable schedule can help them feel secure and maintain a sense of structure, even when school is out.

Here are some tips for establishing a summer routine:

  1. Set a regular wake-up time and bedtime: A consistent sleep schedule is essential for children's well-being. Determine a reasonable wake-up time and bedtime that allows for enough rest and incorporate it into your daily routine.
  2. Plan for daily physical activity: Encourage your children to engage in physical activities, such as outdoor games, swimming, or bike rides. Schedule at least an hour of active playtime every day.
  3. Include learning activities: Keep your children's minds engaged by incorporating educational activities into their routine. This can include reading, solving puzzles, working on crafts, or exploring new subjects of interest.
  4. Designate study or reading time: To prevent learning loss during the summer break, set aside a specific time each day for your children to review academic materials or read books.
  5. Allow for free play: It's important to give your children unstructured playtime where they can explore their interests, exercise their creativity, and socialize with others. Dedicate a portion of the day for free play.
  6. Plan family meals: Eating meals together as a family provides an opportunity for bonding and communication. Schedule regular family meals and involve your children in meal preparation or planning.
  7. Limit screen time: Set boundaries around screen time to ensure that your children have a balanced routine. Encourage them to engage in other activities, such as outdoor play or reading, instead of spending excessive time in front of screens.

By following these tips and establishing a summer routine, you can create an enjoyable and balanced summer experience for your children. A routine provides structure and helps children feel secure, while still allowing for fun and relaxation.

Benefits of Establishing a Summer Routine
Avoid chaos and promote a sense of order
Reduce boredom and prevent excessive screen time
Encourage regular physical activity and educational engagement
Improve sleep patterns and ensure adequate rest
Enhance family bonding through shared meal times


By diligently completing these seven important tasks, parents can ensure a smooth and enjoyable summer for their families. From preparing the home to planning activities and keeping kids safe, taking these steps will help create lasting summer memories with your children.

Start by getting your home ready for the summer season. Check your air conditioning system to ensure it's in proper working condition, and take the necessary steps to prepare your outdoor spaces for fun-filled days. Address any potential safety hazards to provide a secure environment for your children.

Next, plan exciting and engaging activities for your kids. Create a summer schedule that includes a mix of camps, programs, and local attractions. Explore the wealth of child-friendly activities available in your area to keep your little ones entertained and stimulated throughout the summer.

Remember to keep your kids safe in the sun. Make sure they are protected from harmful UV rays by choosing the right sunscreen and dressing them in appropriate clothing. Set time limits for outdoor play to prevent overexposure and teach them the importance of sun safety.

Update your child's summer wardrobe to ensure they are comfortable and stylish in the warmer weather. Choose clothes, shoes, and accessories that are suitable for the season and allow them to move freely. Praciticity is key, so select items that can withstand your child's active lifestyle.

Consider summer camp or childcare plans to provide a structured and enjoyable experience for your children. Research and select options that align with your location, budget, and program preferences. Ensure that your child's safety and happiness are prioritized throughout their time in summer camps or childcare.

If you're planning a family vacation during the summer, make sure you're well-prepared. Pack essential items, create a travel itinerary, and prioritize the safety and well-being of all family members. By staying organized and informed, you can have a stress-free and memorable trip.

To maintain structure and routine during the summer months, establish a daily schedule that allows for a balance of fun activities, learning opportunities, and relaxation time. This will provide a sense of security for your children and help them adjust to the summer break.

In conclusion, following these seven important tasks will help you and your family have an amazing summer. By preparing your home, planning activities, keeping your kids safe, updating their wardrobe, organizing childcare, preparing for travel, and establishing a routine, you'll create lasting memories and make the most of this special time with your children. Embrace the summer season and enjoy every moment of fun, laughter, and togetherness!


What are the seven important tasks parents should do before summer?

The seven important tasks parents should do before summer include preparing their home, planning summer activities for their kids, keeping their kids safe in the sun, updating their child's summer wardrobe, organizing summer camp or childcare plans, getting prepared for summer travel, and establishing a summer routine.

How can parents prepare their home for summer?

Parents can prepare their home for summer by checking air conditioning systems, preparing outdoor spaces, addressing any potential safety hazards, and ensuring overall comfort and safety for their family during the warmer months.

How should parents plan summer activities for their kids?

Parents can plan summer activities for their kids by creating a summer schedule, finding suitable summer camps or programs, and exploring local attractions that offer child-friendly activities. This helps keep children engaged and entertained throughout the summer break.

What measures can parents take to keep their kids safe in the sun?

To keep kids safe in the sun, parents should choose the right sunscreen, dress their children in appropriate clothing, and set time limits for outdoor play. These steps help protect children from harmful UV rays and prevent sunburn or other sun-related health issues.

How can parents update their child's summer wardrobe?

Parents can update their child's summer wardrobe by selecting summer-appropriate clothing, shoes, and accessories. It's important to prioritize comfort, style, and practicality when choosing outfits for the warm weather.

What should parents consider when organizing summer camp or childcare plans?

When organizing summer camp or childcare plans, parents should consider factors such as location, cost, and program offerings. By carefully evaluating these factors, parents can ensure their child's safety and enjoyment during the summer break.

How can parents prepare for summer travel?

Parents can prepare for summer travel by packing essential items, planning travel itineraries, and ensuring the safety and well-being of all family members while away from home. Taking these steps helps make family vacations smooth and enjoyable.

Why is it important for parents to establish a summer routine?

Establishing a summer routine is important to provide children with a sense of structure and security during the summer months. A routine that balances fun activities, learning opportunities, and relaxation time helps children feel secure and enjoy their summer break to the fullest.